
News articles classified as courses

Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences —

Swifties study lyrics as literature

Taylor Swift’s songwriting will be the subject of scholarly debate this spring in a new course initiated and shaped by students.

Stanford Today —

Stanford students ‘collapsing distance’ through art

During winter quarter, students enrolled in a class called “Mail Art” created small works of art, remotely, during workshops led by master artists, and mailed them to classmates across the country.

Famous Stanford coding course free online

Stanford tries a new model for online learning. A free version of a popular intro to coding course is being offered for the second time this spring. The secret ingredient was the largest group of teachers for a single class. You can teach too! Applications are open.

Stanford Today —

Citizenship course piloted

“Citizenship in the 21st Century” is being piloted during the winter quarter as part of a new core curriculum for first-year students.

Stanford Today —

New year-long sequence examines race in STEM

A new three-quarter sequence of courses provides insights from scholars around the nation on research related to race in the fields of science, technology and medicine, as well as their own lived experiences.

Stanford Today —

Reimagining mental healthcare from the ground up

After being inspired by a Stanford course, four undergraduates teamed up to tackle important deficiencies in mental healthcare while expanding access and reducing costs.

Immersive spring break course goes virtual

Some 40 students head to snowy Colorado each spring break to study extreme energy efficiency. This March, the class had to swap Rocky Mountain scenery for all-day Zoom sessions.