Stories published in 2019

News articles classified as Stories published in 2019

Infant blood markers predict childhood mental health

A newfound link between levels of “bad” cholesterol at birth and subsequent childhood behavior could help identify and treat people who are prone to experiencing depression and other mental difficulties.

Tracking power plant emissions in real time

Stanford scientists have developed a precise way to measure U.S. power plant emissions 24/7. The new tool will enable grid operators and big electricity consumers to reduce their carbon footprint in real time.

Global carbon emissions increase

Coal use is down dramatically in the United States and the European Union, and renewable energy is gaining traction. But rising natural gas and oil use in 2019 increased the world's carbon dioxide emissions modestly for a third straight year.

External review of athletic admissions reaches conclusions, recommends reforms

In a letter to the university community, President Marc Tessier-Lavigne reports that an external review commissioned in the wake of Operation Varsity Blues found no evidence of additional fraud at Stanford but made recommendations for policies and procedures that the university will fully adopt.