
News articles classified as Materials

3D printed shapeshifting nanoparticles

Stanford materials engineers have 3D printed tens of thousands of hard-to-manufacture nanoparticles long predicted to yield promising new materials that change form in an instant.

High-speed microscale 3D printing

A new process for microscale 3D printing creates particles of nearly any shape for applications in medicine, manufacturing, research and more – at the pace of up to 1 million particles a day.

Moonshot effort aims to bioprint a human heart and implant it in a pig

Advances in the 3D printing of living tissue – a field known as bioprinting – puts within reach the possibility of fabricating whole organs from scratch and implanting them in living beings. A multidisciplinary team from Stanford received a federal contract to do just that.

Engineers make new LED more efficient, less stable

By tinkering with the material makeup of perovskite LEDs, a cheaper and more easily-made type of LED, Stanford researchers achieved leaps in brightness and efficiency – but saw their lights give out after a few minutes of use.

Mystery of impediment to a next-gen battery solved

In the race for fast-charging, energy-dense lithium metal batteries, researchers discovered why the promising solid electrolyte version has not performed as hoped. This could help new designs – and eventually battery production – avoid the problem.