K-12 Education

News articles classified as K-12 Education

New evidence shows that school poverty shapes racial achievement gaps

Racial segregation leads to growing achievement gaps – but it does so entirely through differences in school poverty, according to new research from education Professor Sean Reardon, who is launching a new tool to help educators, parents and policymakers examine education trends by race and poverty level nationwide.

Back to school

With a new school year ahead, Stanford research shows how students, teachers and parents can better understand what leads to – or in some instances, undermines – a student's success.

What happens when schools go solar?

Rooftop solar projects at schools could reduce harmful air pollution, help the environment and enhance student learning while cutting electricity costs, a new study finds.

What role should genetics research play in education?

Benjamin Domingue and Sam Trejo of Stanford’s Graduate School of Education warn that as genetics research expands into education, it mustn't undermine the massive role environments play in a child’s development and learning outcomes.