Stories published in 2017

News articles classified as Stories published in 2017

Stanford Law School —

Tackling the high cost of prescription drugs

In a Q&A, law Professor Michelle Mello, co-author of the "Making Medicines Affordable" report of the National Academies, explains some of the key challenges facing Americans in need of prescription drugs.

Confidential data exposure

Misconfigured permissions on file-sharing platforms may have exposed personal information for some students and thousands of campus employees.

Stanford Engineering —

Looking to fruit fly to help understand the human brain

With a new genetic tool to study how flies detect scents, Stanford researchers take a step toward developing techniques to repair the faulty wiring behind human brain disorders.

Artificial intelligence index tracks emerging field

A Stanford-led team has launched the first index to track the state of artificial intelligence and measure technological progress in the same way the GDP and the S&P 500 index take the pulse of the U.S. economy and stock market.