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Video by Chris Smead, Stanford Video

At Stanford’s 128th Commencement, Apple CEO Tim Cook told graduating students of the Class of 2019 to match ambition with humility of purpose.

Stanford University’s 128th Commencement weekend, June 15-16, 2019, featured a speech by Apple CEO Tim Cook, in which he noted some of the challenges the high-technology industry faces as he encouraged graduates to learn to take responsibility for that which they take credit and to temper their ambition with humility of purpose. Evoking Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement address in 2005, Cook told the graduates, “Don’t waste your time living someone else’s life. Don’t try to emulate the people who came before you to the exclusion of everything else, contorting into a shape that doesn’t fit.” University President Marc Tessier-Lavigne cited the legacy of the university’s founders when he urged graduates to use their gifts to change the world for the better and to engage in an ongoing “process of examination and a continual return to your guiding values.” Saturday’s Baccalaureate speaker, Olympic medalist Ibtihaj Muhammad, told graduating students to never allow fear to override a commitment to faith.

Apple’s Tim Cook calls on Stanford graduates to be builders and to take responsibility

Apple CEO Tim Cook, noting the shortcomings of the high-technology industry, urged graduates to learn to take responsibility for that which they claim credit and to match ambition with a humility of purpose.

Stanford Commencement Weekend 2019 in pictures

The Class of 2019 was feted by the university community, family and friends during Baccalaureate and Commencement ceremonies that featured fun along with the pomp and circumstance.

Choose faith over fear, Baccalaureate speaker urges graduates

Baccalaureate speakers Ibtihaj Muhammad and Edan Armas urge graduating students to trust in something bigger than oneself.

Stanford’s 2019 Commencement Wacky Walk

Stanford begins its Commencement ceremony every year with an exuberant procession into the stadium known as the Wacky Walk. Videographer Eric Koziol captured some of the highlights from the 2019 event.

Graduates urged to embrace lifelong learning, adapt to change at medical school’s 111th commencement

“In a world that encourages increasing specialization, hold on to that sense of being a student,” Stanford Provost Persis Drell told Stanford School of Medicine graduates.

What Stanford seniors leave behind: Memories for the time capsule

Rubber duckies, photos, toys, class assignments – the seemingly mundane items Stanford seniors leave in their class time capsule hold treasured memories.

Stanford’s 2019 Cuthbertson, Dinkelspiel and Gores awards honor faculty, students and staff

This year’s Cuthbertson Award winners – Maggie Burgett and Patricia Gumport – are among those who will be honored during Commencement.

Stanford Earth graduates: Meet the planet’s challenges

Graduates of the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences are uniquely prepared to deliver solutions for humanity’s critical challenges, according to Dean Stephan Graham.

Stanford education graduates reminded to find joy and wonder in the here and now

At diploma ceremony, Emeritus Professor Eamonn Callan used poetry to encourage graduates to move into the future with humility and an open heart.

Stanford Law Class of 2019 charged to uphold the rule of law

“The rule of law is foundational to American society, and to societies around the world where people seek to live in peace and security,” said Stanford Law School Dean Jenny Martinez.  

To the GSB Class of 2019: ‘Think deeply, act boldly, and dream widely’

Lord Browne of Madingley, former CEO of BP, advised Graduate School of Business graduates to embrace that which makes them different.  

#Stanford19: Profiles of outstanding graduates of the Class of 2019

Trading STEM for storytelling

Stanford scientist and graduating doctoral student Irena Fischer-Hwang made a new discovery during her studies at Stanford: a passion for data-driven news. She will be coming back to the Farm in the fall to pursue a second degree; this time, a master’s in communication.

Native American roots guide student toward journalism career

After Stanford, Aliyah Chavez will pursue dual passions for reporting the news and drawing attention to the issues of indigenous communities as a journalist for Indian Country Today.

Examining bilingual behavior of children at Texas preschool

A Stanford senior studied a group of bilingual children at a Spanish immersion preschool in Texas to understand how they distinguished between their two languages.

A calling for public service

Commencement will be an ending and beginning for law student Jimmy Ruck, who supported the return of ROTC to Stanford as an undergraduate and became an Army Ranger.

After Stanford: Planet solutions

Michael Levin, MS-JD ’19, studied environment and resources and said he could spend 10 lifetimes at Stanford and still not get to do everything he wanted to do.

After Stanford: Gaming pioneer

Jess Adepoju, MBA ’19, is poised to transform her passion for gaming into a career.


Four years ago, a group of incoming first-year students stepped onto campus as a part of the Stanford Summer Engineering Academy. Watch the video for a glimpse into how they’re feeling about graduating.

Voices of Stanford GSB: Sophia Shramko, MBA ’19

With a life story cinematic in both scope and drama, Sophia Shramko describes how she chose her destiny rather than accept her reality.

Anchors aweigh: Stanford graduates commissioned as naval officers

One day after graduating from Stanford with bachelor’s degrees, Lourdes Acosta and Katharina Brown celebrated their completion of the Naval ROTC program and their commissioning as naval ensigns at a ceremony in the Tresidder Oak Lounge.

Stanford golfer had to miss Commencement to compete at U.S. Open

After competing in the final round of the U.S. Open at Pebble Beach on Sunday, June 16 – Commencement – Stanford golfer Brandon Wu received his diploma from tournament officials.

Stanford students help each other prepare for a career in the art world

Coterm art history students explore career pathways with fellow students and professionals.