How space became a place we study aging
Why the human body declines faster in space is still largely a mystery, but microgravity offers scientists a unique opportunity to study markers associated with aging on an accelerated timeline.
Krill harvesting threatens whale recovery
Soaring human demand for krill in the Southern Ocean poses a challenge to the recovery of whale species once hunted nearly to extinction. Stanford researchers identify the growing food conflict and offer solutions.
Cognitive behavioral therapy for depression can lead to lasting changes in the brain
New research adds to the evidence that choosing treatment based on the neurological underpinnings of a patient’s depression increases the odds of success.
A new name for Stanford’s biodesign center
A transformative gift will support the Stanford Mussallem Center for Biodesign's expansions into critical areas of policy, life sciences innovation, and health equity.
In the news
The state is struggling to get anywhere close to the targets they have for prescribed fire.”
Chris Field, professor of biology and of Earth system science, on controlled burns for reducing wildfire risk in California.
How to foster cooperation and healthy competition on teams
Jamil Zaki, associate professor of psychology, says there are downsides to the “every person for themselves” approach to competition.
Scientists make living mice’s skin transparent with simple food dye
New research uses the common food dye Yellow No. 5 to turn tissues in living mice clear, temporarily revealing organs and vessels.