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Video by Kurt Hickman

Stanford celebrated its 126th Commencement weekend June 16-18, 2017. Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, associate justice of the Supreme Court of California, encouraged graduates to bridge divides and engage in public service in the Commencement address Sunday in Stanford Stadium. University President Marc Tessier-Lavigne included a special moment of recognition for his predecessor, President Emeritus John Hennessy, hailing his 17 years of leadership, and described the graduates’ journeys and futures through the story of astronaut alumna Sally Ride on the anniversary of her first mission. Saturday’s Baccalaureate speaker Marian Wright Edelman of the Children’s Defense Fund urged graduates to use their talents and skills to shape a better future for the disadvantaged.

California Supreme Court justice encourages graduates to expand their awareness

Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar advised graduates on the value of paying attention to people, events and situations in the periphery of their lives at the 126th Stanford University Commencement.

Baccalaureate speaker urges students to fight injustice

Child rights advocate Marian Wright Edelman told graduates to use their talents and skills to shape a better future for the disadvantaged.

Stanford Commencement Weekend 2017 in pictures

The Class of 2017 was feted by the university community, family and friends during Baccalaureate and Commencement ceremonies that featured both fun times and serious messages.

Stanford Commencement 2017 Wacky Walk

Each year, Stanford begins its Commencement ceremony with a fun, nontraditional procession into the stadium known as Wacky Walk. Videographer Kurt Hickman captured some of the highlights.

Surgeon-scientist urges medical school graduates to advocate for equality in health care

The first African American to graduate from the Stanford School of Medicine returned to help celebrate this year’s graduating class.

Work-family balance stressed in Graduate School of Education graduation

Prioritize what’s important, work for change and “try not to waste time being frustrated by trying to have it all,” advised Professor Myra Strober at the Graduate School of Education graduation.

Law graduates encouraged to meet the challenges

“Be grateful, but have pride in what you’ve achieved,” said Law School Dean M. Elizabeth Magill to the 287 JD and advanced degree recipients who received their law degrees on June 17.

Advice to GSB grads: ‘Life is a team sport’

Stanford Graduate School of Business alumna Penny Pritzker sends graduates off to launch careers of meaning and impact.