At Thursday’s Faculty Senate meeting, President Richard Saller reminded senators of resources being offered to campus to support safety and well-being.

Saller also announced a review of various university processes around research and teaching, with the aim of reducing burdens and improving timeliness for faculty. Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer Randy Livingston and Vice Provost and Dean of Research David Studdert have begun review of their respective areas, and Provost Emeritus John Etchemendy will act as senior advisor to collect suggestions and make recommendations to the executive cabinet and senior staff by the end of the winter quarter.

Senators also heard memorial resolutions for Hugh O. McDevitt and Ernlé W.D. Young. McDevitt, 91, was professor emeritus of microbiology and immunology in the School of Medicine, and died April 28, 2022. Young was professor emeritus of medicine at the School of Medicine and died at age 88 on Feb. 14, 2021.

The Faculty Senate meeting was the last one of the fall quarter and had no further agenda items before adjourning to executive session.