Dear Stanford Community,
We’re writing to let you know that last evening, during a community gathering to celebrate Diwali, white supremacist posters were posted in and around the law school and near the Stanford Bookstore by a group calling themselves Identity Evropa. Identity Evropa is a white supremacist group that advocates for, among other things, “a utopian homeland for whites” and focuses some of its energies on placing its posters on college campuses around the country. (You can read for yourself about this organization, but here is an LA Times story about the group and its efforts on college campuses). With these actions last night, it looks like Identity Evropa has put Stanford on its list of schools where it will try to advance its white supremacist cause.
They have come to the wrong place. As one student wrote to members of the law school community last night, he looks forward to “strengthening our community against this kind of noxious ideology.” After learning of the posters, many students joined together in writing their classmates, pointing to the sad juxtaposition between the celebration of Diwali happening inside the law school building with the posting of recruiting posters for a white supremacist group on the graceful archways outside that same building.
The ideology of race hatred represented by Identity Evropa has no place here. It is morally abhorrent, and, as students of history and culture and politics and law, we know that white supremacy has inspired some of the most horrifying and sickening acts of violence in human history. But, as we said, they have come to the wrong place. These efforts will only deepen the connection we have to one another, and the belief we have in the power of what we can learn and create and do when we work together, side by side, as part of a community that is committed to the humanity and dignity of every single one of our members.
This incident has been reported to the Department of Public Safety. It is important for you to know that when these incidents occur at Stanford, you should immediately report it to the Department of Public Safety by calling 911 and to the Dean of Students Office that oversees the Acts of Intolerance Protocol (AOI). Online reports can be made via the AOI website.
We encourage you to reach out to the many units at Stanford that can provide support resources. From the Office for Religious life to the Faculty-Staff Help Center, to academic departments and Student Affairs’ Community Centers—many people are here to help.
Elizabeth Magill
Dean, Stanford Law School
Susie Brubaker-Cole
Vice Provost for Student Affairs