Today, a U.S. District Court judge vacated a Department of Labor rule that sought to restrict the H-1B visa program. Stanford had joined with other universities, businesses and research organizations in a legal challenge to the rule, which would have made it prohibitively expensive, in many cases, for employers to hire workers with H-1B visas.

“We are pleased that the court agrees that this rule, if implemented, would have been detrimental to H-1B visa holders and the communities that rely on them,” said Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne. “As the world begins to reopen, we are gratified that we will be able to continue to bring highly specialized scholars to the U.S. and that Stanford graduates will be able to obtain visas to work in fields where their skills are greatly needed.”

Stanford continues to advocate for immigration policies that support our international students and scholars. In early 2021, the Department of Homeland Security issued a new rule that would prioritize issuing H-1B visas to the highest-paid workers, limiting the number of others who would get in. Implementation has been delayed and Stanford is working with its co-litigants to challenge this rule.