As we navigate a year like no other, your response to Stanford Transportation’s annual survey is more important than ever. Your feedback will help us understand how we can support your transportation needs at Stanford and how sheltering-in-place has affected your commute.

The survey should take as little as five minutes. If you respond by Nov. 20, 2020, you have the option to enter drawings to win one of these prizes:

  • $500 grand prize (one winner)
  • $250 second prize (one winner)
  • $50 cash prize (five winners)

The survey link sent on Oct. 19 is unique to you. To search your inbox, look for the email from with the subject line: “You’re invited to participate in Stanford’s Transportation Survey.”

To view or share this message in Spanish, please refer to the Spanish language version.

Thank you to those who responded to the survey earlier. You have been entered into the prize drawings automatically and no further action is required.

Please contact if you would like to participate, but cannot locate the link to your survey, or if you have questions.