Stanford University has undertaken aggressive efforts in recent years to combat sexual violence and to provide support to those who experience it.

Stanford adopted the “yes means yes” affirmative consent standard in its policies in 2012, two years before it became law in California. We have created new campus offices devoted specifically to sexual violence education, support and adjudication, now employing a dozen staff members – the Title IX Office, the Confidential Support Team, and SARA (Office of Sexual Assault & Relationship Abuse Education & Response).

Prevention, through education and training, is at the heart of Stanford’s efforts to achieve a campus culture free of sexual violence. All incoming undergraduates receive mandatory training in multiple formats regarding sexual violence prevention, and a new online training program is required of all graduate students as well. Additional educational programs are delivered in student residences and to a wide variety of student organizations, and new peer-based educational programs are being launched this fall.

In 2014, the provost convened a task force of students, faculty, staff and alumni on the subject of sexual violence, and the campus has been implementing the recommendations of that group. They include a redesigned campus adjudication process for Title IX cases that, among other things, includes an expected sanction of expulsion for sexual assault.

Next year’s university budget earmarks $2.7 million for expanded programs to combat sexual violence, consistent with the recommendations of the task force. This is the largest single allocation of new general funds in the university budget.

More detail on the actions Stanford has taken is available in a fact sheet at We are deeply committed to providing a safe educational environment, and one that allows all members of our community to take full advantage of the opportunities available at Stanford.