Stanford President John Hennessy has condemned the early Sunday morning vandalism of swastikas and anarchy symbols spray-painted around student residences as an act of hate “that has no place at Stanford.”

The graffiti was discovered early Sunday morning on and around several student residences on the row, including Casa Italiana, the BOB house, and the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house. Stanford police are investigating the vandalism as a hate crime, said police spokesperson Bill Larsen. The university will also launch a separate investigation under its Acts of Intolerance Protocol.

“I am deeply troubled by the act of vandalism, including symbols of hate, that has marred our campus,” Hennessy said Sunday. “The university will not tolerate hate crimes and this incident will be fully investigated, both by campus police and by the university under our Acts of Intolerance Protocol. This level of incivility has no place at Stanford. I ask everyone in the university community to stand together against intolerance and hate, and to affirm our commitment to a campus community where discourse is civil, where we value differences, and where every individual is respected.”

It is a violation of both California law and Stanford’s fundamental standard to commit a hate crime. The university’s Acts of Intolerance Protocol addresses conduct that adversely and unfairly targets an individual or group on the basis gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, age or social or economic class. Such incidents elevate to hate crimes under California law when they include threats, assault or vandalism directed at an individual or group.

An impromptu student gathering was held Sunday afternoon at the Hillel House. Rabbi Serena Eisenberg condemned the anti-Semitic acts. “The display of this loaded symbol of the Holocaust cast a shadow over our university community,” she said. “We appreciate the university’s investigation of this incident in the wake of recent campus discord. Hate crimes have no place on a college campus or anywhere.”

The Jewish Student Association said it is planning community events for later this week to “stand in solidarity against anti-Semitism” and help raise awareness.