Ralph Richard Banks, the Jackson Eli Reynolds Professor of Law, voted with his kids at Stanford. From left to right are Everett Banks, Ralph Richard Banks and Harlan Banks. Residence Dean Bianca Ortiz cast her vote at Tresidder. Santa Clara County voters checking in at the Tresidder Union vote center. Stanford alumna Katherine Walker prepares to hand out voting stickers. Poll worker Craig Bright talked about the turnout at Tresidder Union. He attributed a low turnout to early voters. Voting booths were set up in the Oak Room. Kim Lee cleaned voting booths between voters. Tresidder Union voting booths. Medical student Michelle Chan voted at Tresidder Union. I voted today stickers were available to Tresidder Union voters. Nancy Chu, a PhD student in religious studies, voting. Food service worker Pedro Zandoval voted at Tresidder Union. A sign pointed voters to Tresidder Union. Fullscreen