In a time of heightened anxiety and concern in light of the events in Israel and Gaza, President Saller and Provost Martinez have emphasized their commitment to providing for the safety and well-being of the campus community – and have encouraged thoughtful, reasoned discussion across differing viewpoints “with a spirit of compassion and respect for our shared humanity.” Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of hatred on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, and national origin are contrary to Stanford’s values.

This page provides information and resources for students, as well as for other members of the Stanford community. Also read the October 11 message to the community from President Saller and Provost Martinez, a further message on community safety and well-being, and Provost Martinez’s remarks to the Faculty Senate, and an announcement about new efforts to support Stanford’s campus communities.

If you are not feeling safe, you are encouraged to reach out for help

  • For emergency assistance, call 911 or 9‑911 from a campus phone

  • Report a non-emergency crime or potential hazard to law enforcement at (650) 329‑2413

  • To request a threat assessment for a concerning situation that does not present an imminent threat of harm, contact the Threat Assessment Team at

  • To report an act of Antisemitism occuring outside academic engagement (academic engagement includes any pedagogical, research and/or educational activities), file a Protected Identity Harm report

  • To report an act of Islamophobia occuring outside academic engagement (academic engagement includes any pedagogical, research and/or educational activities), file a Protected Identity Harm report

  • To report an act of Antisemitism or Islamophobia occuring in an academic setting (any pedagogical, research, and/or educational activities), contact the relevant school dean’s office.

  • For student mental health care, call CAPS at (650) 723‑3785 or TimelyCare

  • For faculty or staff mental health care, call (650) 723‑4577 or email

  • For support in student residences, reach out to your residential staff: RAs, RFs, resident directors, CAs, GLO deans

Understanding the rules around campus speech

The exchange of differing viewpoints is fundamental to life in an academic community. Stanford’s policy on Academic Freedom, adopted by the Faculty Senate in 1974, provides: “Stanford University’s central functions of teaching, learning, research, and scholarship depend upon an atmosphere in which freedom of inquiry, thought, expression, publication, and peaceable assembly are given the fullest protection. Expression of the widest range of viewpoints should be encouraged, free from institutional orthodoxy and from internal or external coercion.”

In addition, as a private university in California, Stanford is subject to the Leonard Law, which prohibits the university from punishing students for speech that is protected under the First Amendment.

This piece – “Freedom of Speech and the Fundamental Standard” – on the Stanford website provides specific examples of protected and unprotected speech. Most speech is protected under the First Amendment – even hateful and offensive speech. There is a very high legal bar for speech (such as threats, harassment and incitement to violence) to be considered unprotected by the First Amendment. For instance, some speech may feel threatening to those listening, but it typically must establish a credible threat of violence directed at a specific individual to be considered unprotected. Scroll down to the “What are Some Examples of Unprotected Speech?” section on the above website for more information.

Campus Safety Resources

  • The Department of Public Safety and the university’s Threat Assessment Team are working continually to monitor the campus security situation, receive updates from state and federal law enforcement partners, and respond to and assess safety concerns brought to their attention.

  • DPS has worked in collaboration with centers on campus, including Hillel and the Markaz, to ensure that their particular security needs are addressed.

  • At the request of event organizers DPS has been present, or done spot checks, at  campus events and facilities to provide security support. DPS also has met with various groups of community members to discuss safety and security, and to facilitate communication between the groups and DPS.

  • DPS also is working to respond to and investigate individual concerns reported to law enforcement.

  • Stanford’s regular public safety resources continue to be available to our students as well as the campus community as a whole, including resources to immediately connect with emergency assistance whenever needed on campus – including the blue-light tower system and the SafeZone app.

  • Stanford has installed security cameras in the White Plaza area, as has been occurring in other areas of the campus. White Plaza is an area where the university has been giving additional attention to providing for the safety and security of campus community members. Campus security cameras are not routinely monitored in real time but can be helpful to law enforcement in investigating reports of criminal incidents.

Support for well-being

Student Affairs and partners across campus have been working to respond to and provide support for every student who has reached out with a concern. This work includes coordinating with campus organizations to stay informed, provide support resources, and coordinate around events to support community safety.

The Protected Identity Harm Reporting process remains available, and students have been using it. All concerns from a student party requesting support are followed up with outreach and resources. Potential hate crimes and certain other incidents, as defined on the website, are reported on a public dashboard.

Numerous well-being resources are available for the campus community and stand ready to assist depending on your individual needs. They include:

Engaging safely in campus activism

If you’re engaging in campus activism, Student Affairs has suggestions for doing it safelyRead them here.

The Office of Student Engagement is an important partner with student organizations in planning safe and well-managed events. Reach out to the office and be familiar with the university’s Event Planning Guidelines.

Filming of one another has become an area of tension at some campus events recently. In California, you may not record any private, confidential communication without the consent of all parties to the conversation. However, if you are in a space on campus that is open to the public, engaged in a rally or other activity that is visible to others where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy, being filmed is likely lawful. Even if it is lawful, please consider whether filming others is truly necessary, given the fear of doxxing and harassment that it may create in those who are being filmed. Stanford’s Anti-Doxxing Policy is available here. Please consider extending a level of respect and care for one another, even while acknowledging differing viewpoints, as members of our one Stanford community in this challenging global moment.

If you are experiencing online harassment, report it using one of the reporting mechanisms on this page, and consider taking steps to protect your personal information online. Resources for faculty and academic staff also are available here.