A black and white photograph of a taxi ride to the Mosque of Muhammad Ali in the heart of the Citadel of Cairo is the grand prize winner of the 11th annual Stanford Global Studies (SGS) student photo contest. Dozens of students submitted photos of their experiences outside the classroom, both here and abroad. All the winning images are on view in the International Relations and Human Rights Lounge in Encina Hall, suite 30.

The annual SGS competition offers students who have conducted international research, language study, and internships an opportunity to showcase their photography skills. The photos, taken from various vantage points in more than 20 countries around the globe, were entered into five categories: animals, people, photojournalism, the natural world, and travel. The images were judged based on their composition, technical quality, creativity, impact, and adherence to the theme.

Contest jurors chose the striking image titled Citadel, captured by art history major Halima Ibrahim, ’24, during a trip to Egypt with her family, for the top prize out of more than 100 entries taken by undergraduate and graduate students affiliated with SGS’ 14 centers and programs.

Citadel and 10 other winning photos in different categories were unveiled at a reception for all the student photographers on May 10. See the photos in person or here in the slideshow: