Stanford University President Marc Tessier-Lavigne has been named a Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA).  He is one of seven international fellows named and one of two Americans so honored.

Also selected was from the United States was Mung Chiang, the John A. Edwardson Dean of the College of Engineering at Purdue University.

The seven international fellows join engineering and economic leaders from Sweden for a total of 42 new fellows.

“IVA’s mission is to improve society through the promotion of the engineering and economic sciences and the advancement of business and industry,” said Tuula Teeri, president of IVA in a statement announcing the new fellows. “Knowledgeable and talented fellows are crucial in order for the Academy to fulfill that mission. The recently elected fellows – top names in the business community and recognized researchers – are a fantastic resource for the Academy.”

Read more about IVA and the newly elected fellows here.