Today at the Faculty Senate meeting, Provost Persis Drell announced the formation of a framework task force charged with recommending a new infrastructure at Stanford for the study of race and the impacts of race on society.

Through IDEAL and current racial justice initiatives, the university is focused on increasing institutional support for research, education and policy solutions focused on racial disparities in America.

“We believe that Stanford has a dual responsibility first to produce knowledge and understanding that addresses the persistence of racial inequality; and secondly to educate its students for participation in a diverse and multi-cultural world,” said Drell. 

The charge to the task force is to determine if if Stanford currently has the institutional organization to support its goals in this area, and, if not, to recommend a new infrastructure.

The task force was asked to submit a report with their recommendations to the provost and Dean of Humanities & Sciences Debra Satz by May 1, 2021.

The task force is chaired by C. Matthew Snipp (Sociology) and Claude Steele, (Psychology). The composition of the committee is as follows:

  • Alyce Adams (School of Medicine)
  • Michael Bernstein (School of Engineering)
  • Albert Camarillo (History)
  • Jennifer Eberhardt (Psychology)
  • Richard Ford (Law)
  • Kathryn Gin Lum (Religious Studies)
  • Allyson Hobbs (History)
  • Tomás Jiménez (Sociology)
  • David Laitin (Political Science)
  • Margaret Levi (Political Science)
  • Brian Lowery (Graduate School of Business)
  • Jenny Martinez (Law)
  • Ato Quayson (English)
  • Vaughn Rasberry (English)
  • Jonathan Rosa (Education)
  • Sylvia Yanagisako (Anthropology) 

The full charge to the task force can be found here.