Updated Feb. 10, 2017

**NOTE: Many provisions of the travel ban executive order have been temporarily suspended under federal court order. The federal administration is seeking to overturn the suspension, and additional steps in the legal process are expected. This page aims to provide general ongoing guidance amid quickly changing and unclear circumstances. Anyone with a need for urgent consultation should contact the Bechtel International Center (email travelban@stanford.edu). 

This page provides Stanford University’s latest travel guidance for members of the Stanford community in the wake of the executive order issued on Jan. 27, 2017. Among other things, the executive order restricts for 90 days entry or re-entry to the United States for nationals of seven countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen).

We know that the current circumstances are extremely distressing and stressful for many members of our community. Stanford is working continually to obtain the latest information and to provide it those in our community who are trying to navigate a complex and quickly fluctuating situation. We will be in continuing contact with our international community and will work to provide the most effective support possible.

Many things are uncertain at the present time, and information may continue to change. There continues to be conflicting information about the effects and implications of the executive order in specific situations. In addition, it is possible that countries will be added to the list, or that timelines that have been publicized so far will change.

While individuals must make their own decisions about international travel, this page offers guidance to the Stanford community based on what we currently understand in a fluid situation, along with information about obtaining additional assistance and consultation. The page will be updated as circumstances change.

For faculty, staff and students, Stanford recommends the following:

  • If you are a national of any of the seven countries specified in the executive order (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen) and are considering travel outside the United States, please contact the Bechtel International Center (email travelban@stanford.edu) in order to set up a consultation with an immigration attorney to discuss your specific situation.
  • Regardless of whether you are a citizen of the seven designated countries or not, you are encouraged not to travel to any of the seven designated countries at the present time. This guidance also applies to U.S. citizens, given the uncertain nature of the current situation.
  • If you are a non-U.S. citizen from any country other than the seven designated countries and are considering other international travel, keep in mind that you may experience delays upon returning to the United States. If you are concerned about the risks of international travel at the present time, attend one of the upcoming information sessions that the Bechtel International Center is scheduling on Friday afternoons for the next several weeks. These sessions will provide more information for (1) non-U.S. citizen students considering travel abroad and (2) faculty and researchers who have partnerships with scholars in other countries. Check the Bechtel International Center website for the scheduling details for these Friday afternoon sessions.
  • If you expect to travel internationally, remember that Stanford continues to offer a travel registry through the Office of International Affairs. Registering, which is encouraged but not required, allows you to be reached in an emergency and allows Stanford to be aware of faculty, students and staff who may need assistance if events occur that may jeopardize their safety, security or health.
  • If you are planning international travel in connection with your university responsibilities and have any concerns about traveling in the current environment, consult with your supervisor or faculty adviser about making alternate plans, or consult with an attorney about specific immigration issues of concern to you.

Stanford’s International Travel Policy contains broader ongoing guidance on international travel for members of the Stanford community.

Additional resources for the campus community are listed on the Special Topic: Immigration Policy Issues web page.