Provost John Etchemendy announced Thursday that eight Stanford faculty members have been named or reappointed Bass Fellows.

Established in 2001, the Bass University Fellows in Undergraduate Education Program recognizes faculty, including faculty from the graduate and professional schools, for extraordinary contributions to undergraduate education.

Each of the Bass Fellow appointments is named in honor of donors who made significant gifts to the Stanford Endowment for Undergraduate Education during The Campaign for Undergraduate Education, which ended in 2005.

The program was named in honor of Anne T., MLA ’07, and Robert M. Bass, MBA ’74, who provided matching funds to launch it. Once a faculty member rotates out of an individual fellow appointment, he or she becomes a Bass University Fellow in Undergraduate Education in perpetuity.

The new and reappointed Bass Fellows

Mark Applebaum

(Image credit: L.A. Cicero)

Mark S. Applebaum, an associate professor of music, was reappointed the Hazy Family University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.

Russell Berman

(Image credit: L.A. Cicero)

Russell A. Berman, a professor of comparative literature and of German studies, was reappointed the Gregory Amadon Family University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.

Larry Diamond

(Image credit: L.A. Cicero)

Larry Diamond, a senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and at the Hoover Institution, was appointed the Anonymous Friends University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.

Zaphyr Frank

(Image credit: L.A. Cicero)

Zephyr Frank, a professor of history, was appointed the Barbara Finberg University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.

J. Chrisitan Gerdes

(Image credit: Rami Hindiyeh)

J. Christian Gerdes, a professor of mechanical engineering, was appointed the Sugden Family University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.

Elizabeth Hadly

(Image credit: L.A. Cicero)

Elizabeth Hadly, a professor of biology and a senior fellow at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, was appointed the Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Yeung University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.

Rob Reich

(Image credit: L.A. Cicero)

Rob Reich, a professor of political science, was reappointed the Stanford Alumni University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.

Gregory Walton

(Image credit: Courtesy Gregory Walton)

Gregory Walton, an assistant professor of psychology, was appointed the Michael Forman University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.