
CONTACT: Stanford University News Service (650) 723-2558

Second annual Research Administration Conference to be held

STANFORD -- The second annual Research Administration Conference for staff and faculty members will be held Thursday, March 16, at Tresidder Union.

The all-day conference, organized by research administrators, will provide an update on what is new in such areas as audit, conflict of interest, sponsored projects, technology licensing and risk assessment.

The conference will open with comments by Charles Kruger, vice provost and dean of research and graduate policy. His office is sponsoring the event.

General sessions will cover changing regulatory requirements, including recent modifications to OMB Circular A-21 regarding research costs, and research administration from the standpoint of the researcher, with faculty members representing engineering, humanities and sciences, and medicine.

Two concurrent sessions in the morning and two more in the afternoon will cover 14 topics, ranging from conflict of interest to the management of transition to conversations with Stanford officials. Provost Condoleezza Rice will make closing remarks.

Conference sessions will be targeted to staff members with all levels of research administration experience. Interested faculty members are encouraged to attend.

Craig Heller, associate dean of research, encouraged broad participation, saying that as a principal investigator he knows "the importance of top-flight research administration. This conference has such a wide variety of topics that all research administrators will find something of interest."

There is no fee for the program, but the number of attendees is limited because of space constraints. Lunch will be included. Copies of the conference flier are being sent to research administrators.

Electronic mail registration is open from 8 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, through 5 p.m. Thursday, March 2, at RESCONF.REG@Forsythe. Also use that account for more information or to obtain more fliers.



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