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UCMI Review Panel on campus Nov. 11-13'

STANFORD -- The UCMI (University Committee on Minority Issues) Review Panel is scheduled to make its annual review of Stanford's progress in meeting multicultural goals during a three- day visit Monday through Wednesday, Nov. 11-13.

Sharon Parker, director of the Office for Multicultural Development, said the members of the panel would conduct interviews and fact-finding sessions, and conduct an "exit interview" on Wednesday afternoon. That session is scheduled for 3 p.m. in the Wattis Room, Littlefield Management Center.

The panel is charged with reviewing an array of topics on cultural diversity or multiculturalism, and is chaired by Norman Francis, president of Xavier University in New Orleans. The review is organized according to eight standards: institutional vision and commitment; institutional planning and review; faculty; curriculum; staff; student life; student admissions, financial aid and retention; and academic resources.

Other members are:



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