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Stanford offers admission to 188 transfer students

STANFORD -- Stanford University has mailed offers of admission to 188 transfer students from across the country and around the globe. The admitted students were selected from 1,198 applicants.

William Tingley, associate dean and director of transfer admissions, said members of the 1995 transfer class, who range in age from 16 to 50, "will enrich the undergraduate student body with interesting life experiences and unique accomplishments."

More than 80 percent of the admitted class have college grade point averages of between 3.5 and 4.0, with most in the 3.8-4.0 range. Twenty- three percent have SAT verbal scores of 700 or higher (only 1 percent of students who take the SAT nationally score in this range); 53 percent have SAT math scores of 700 or higher (compared with 4 percent of those taking the test nationally).

The applicants represented 440 different colleges and universities, of which 108 are represented in the admitted class. The 1995 class includes 62 percent from private universities (up from 57 percent last year and 50 percent in 1993).

The largest number of transfers come from Cornell, with nine, and Johns Hopkins, with seven. Other institutions with high numbers of students admitted include Rice, UCLA and Wellesley (six apiece); and Brown, Claremont McKenna College, Georgetown, Princeton, Wesleyan, UC-Berkeley and Yale (with four apiece).

Community college students make up 18 percent of the admitted transfer class, a slight decrease from 19 percent last year and 24 percent two years ago. Northern California community colleges represented in the admitted group include Foothill, with three, and Cabrillo, College of San Mateo, De Anza, Diablo Valley, College of Marin and Modesto Junior College, with two apiece.

The Ivy League once again is well represented in Stanford's transfer class. Of nearly 80 students who applied from Ivy League schools this year, 28 were selected. That represents 15 percent of the admitted transfer class, down from 17 percent last year, but higher than two years ago, when the figure was 12 percent.

Of the admitted transfers, 50.5 percent are women, up from 42.7 percent last year. Twenty- five percent are members of ethnic minorities, and 11.2 percent are international students.

The transfers include a student who is fluent in six languages; a winner of the National Olympiad in Mathematics; a former Olympic figure skater; a student who was involved in Organization of American States work in Nicaragua; two former professional ballerinas; a man who has served in both the U.S. Army and Navy; a former National Champion in the Academic Decathlon; a horse trainer; a former chair of the Sierra Club national student committee; a former computer engineer; a harpist who built her own harp; and a nationally ranked surfer. About 14 percent of the admitted transfers are "non-traditional" in age, in their mid-20s through 50, Tingley said.

Offers were sent to candidates in 28 states and the District of Columbia. California has the highest representation, with 45.7 percent, up from 44.8 percent last year. Other states with more than one admitted student include New York, Washington, Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts and Maryland. The 21 new international transfers are from 17 countries including Bosnia, Brazil, Estonia, Japan, Nigeria, Russia, Spain and the People's Republic of China.

The admissions office anticipates that 145 transfers will accept the offers, and join 1,580 new freshmen who will enroll at Stanford this September.



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